Pumpkin People in the Park
The Woman’s Club of Rutherford will be hosting the first annual Pumpkin People in the Park event. Come and dress up a pumpkin person. Be creative and innovative!
They will be displayed in Lincoln Park, Rutherford, from October 24 through October 30. It’s a great way to promote your business or just have some family fun.
Patch plots will be 8’ x 10’. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Entries are limited to a total of 30 on a first come, first served basis.
The deadline for entry
forms is September 15, and the
cost is $50 per entry. A pump-
kin sign and a bale of hay will
be provided. For an application
or questions, contact: Donna at
201-939-8815 or 201-675-0978.

The Gazette