The shelves are a little
sparse and the Hasbrouck
Heights Food Pantry welcomes
donations. Needed items in-
clude: beans, canned fruit,
juices, pasta sauce, gravies,
paper products, all kinds of
soaps and cleaning products,
shampoo, toiletries, jelly, coffee, tea , cereal, powdered milk ,
crackers, cookies and snacks.
The Food Bank is supported by food drives held
at the Churches, schools, the
Scouts, The Library and special programs, the monetary
donations that buy food store
gift cards and those who drop
off bags of groceries at the
Borough Clerk’s Ofice.
The 15-20 families who
need help are very fortunate to
be able to have a place to come
if needed. Borough Clerk Rose
Marie Sees said, “A great big
thank you for your generosity.
It is overwhelming and very
much appreciated.”
For more information, call
the Borough Clerk’s Ofice at