The Hasbrouck Heights
Fire Department offers these summer safety tips regarding
hazardous materials.
• Store gasoline in safety cans manufactured and labeled
for that purpose.
• Gasoline should never be stored inside your home
because vapors can travel to aflame source and ignite. Gasoline should be stored out side, on a well ventilated shed.
• Don’t refuel lawn mowers, trimmers, edgers or other
gasoline powered equipment while hot because the fumes
may ignite and start a flash fire .
Allow the equipment to cool. Use a funnel to prevent spills.
• Keep fertilizers and pool
chemicals away from gasoline,
oil and fuels. Pool chemicals
(chlorites) and fertilizers (nitrates)are strong oxidizers and
react violently with fuel vapors (hydrocarbons)
• Powdered and pellet chlorine should be kept in a cool,
dry place. If water enters a chlorine container, it can react
and possibly explode.
• Never add water to chlorine — add chlorine to water
to prevent a splash or violent
reaction. Pesticides should not be accessible to children or pets
and should be kept in tightly
closed containers in a cool, dry place.
It is important to follow the instructions on the label for us and application. If exposed to
pesticides, rinse the affected materials off immediately and seek emergency treatment.
Bring the container with you to the medical facility if possible.