Garden Club
The Garden Club will be
meeting Thursday, October 15,
2015, at 6:30 p.m. for refresh-
ments, followed by an organi-
zational meeting. The speakers
for the year will be announced,
and the suggestions for trips
and programming events will
be presented.
Thank you to all who
stopped by the table on Town
Day. All the monies raised
will go towards speakers for
the coming year.
The Garden of the Season
Award for the Fall will be going
on until the deadline of October
31. The committee members
will be going around town
checking the fronts and sides
of home gardeners throughout
They will gather their in-
formation and visit those gar-
dens and will decide who will
be the winner this year. Also, if
you wish to participate you may
call Aud rey at 201-288-8943 or
you may pick up an application
at The Free Public Library lo-
cated at 320 Boulevard on the
second floor. A plaque for the
garden and certificate will be
presented to the winner. They
will also receive a free mem-
bership for the year.
The HHGC is open to
all who wish to join. Their
programs are free and have
many gardeners join from
surrounding towns. You are
most welcome to come to any
of the meetings to learn what
they are all about! For further
information contact Judy at