The Carlstadt Historical Society Inc., meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Carlstadt Civic Center on Fourth Street, at 7 p.m.
Prospective members are always welcome, both old time residents who can share memories or newcomers curious about their community.
On display at the September 16, 2015 meeting will be a selection of photos and new acquisitions from the Carlstadt Museum, as well as copies of 1915 newspaper articles concerning early Carlstadt life.
The Carlstadt Historical Society Museum houses an i teresting collection of Carlstadt history and vintage exhibits. It is located in the “circa 1919” former Firehouse on Sixth and Division Streets. It is open on the fourth Sunday of each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Groups tour by appointment.
Contact Carlstadt Borough Historian Barbara Ann O’Connor at 201-249-4699. Virginia Marass.
The Gazette