Hasbrouck Heights NJ received funding for Phase V of the Boulevard streetscape project from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) 2012 municipal aid program.

According to a letter sent to Mayor Rose Heck from Gov. Chris Christie, the borough received $146,500 for Phase V, which will extend the Boulevard transformation from Hamilton to Walter avenues.

In the letter, Christie said that the municipal aid program is growing and has become very competitive statewide. This year’s solicitation resulted in 661 applications received totaling more than $257 million for the $78.75 million available in funds from the Transportation Trust Fund.

“NJDOT is committed to providing statewide assistance for local governments for improvements to and preservation of the local transportation network,” the letter said. “The completion of your project will help achieve this goal and pursue a transportation strategy that provides mobility through managing the local roadway system.”

Work for phases three and four will include work on Jefferson to Franklin avenues and Franklin to Hamilton avenues. Work will include replacement of sidewalks, decorative brick pavers, new lighting, benches and the replacement with trees to match the other streets. There will also be a crosswalk with a red brick type material that is more durable. Work has been delayed and pushed back until after the street fair, which is scheduled for May 20.

The majority of the work for streetscape phases one and two for Jefferson Avenue and Washington Place was completed in 2009 and 2010. The lights still need to be replaced in phases one and two. The borough is waiting for PSE&G to remove the old cobra street lights.

While Hasbrouck Heights’ Boulevard is a great street to shop and stroll on, it is the main artery to the real estate of Hasbrouck Heights NJ!

From: North Jersey.com, Kristie Cattafi 4/5/12